Looking back, looking ahead

This article was originally published in January 2004

(January 2004) — With the start of a new year, it’s fun to look back on 2003 and remember some of the highlights that occurred at PCC. It’s also a good opportunity to get a sneak peak at a few key milestones ahead in 2004.

In 2003, almost $900,000 was given back to members who shopped on the 10-percent-off Member Discount Days. PCC celebrated its 50th anniversary as a co-op by unveiling a new logo and look that included new signs, paint, awnings and even a whole new store for our Fremont shoppers. Fremont was built and paid for on time and on budget, while the many environmentally “green” features generated a lot of attention and honor. West Seattle got new awnings, new signs, paint and a revised, improved interior layout.

All seven PCC stores were certified as organic retailers by the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

A new Kids’ Club program kicked off in 2003 to help support healthy food choices for children. Scrip sales to benefit schools and non-profit organizations hit a record, with nearly one million dollars in scrip being redeemed, giving back $50,000.

Hundreds of volunteers gave their time to help out with PCC’s Cash for the Hungry program, FoodWorks, the Board Nominating Committee, the campaign to label genetically engineered foods, and even to help keep our landscapes and bulletin boards pretty and up to date. PCC’s members and patrons sent more than 13,500 letters to Congress urging support for a bill to label genetically labeled foods. PCC is providing support materials to other co-ops across the country to help build national support.

Looking ahead to 2004, a lot of energy will be spent on improving the shopping experience at all PCC stores. PCC Kirkland and View Ridge will be remodeled. PCC’s electronic receiving, ordering and pricing system is being replaced in 2004 to streamline operations.

And, of course, PCC buyers will continue to review the foods and products we sell to to ensure the quality and selection you expect!

Also in this issue

Letters to the editor, January 2004

GE labeling, Embattled farmers: 1776 to 2004, Acrylamides in food, and more