Your co-op, May 2004

This article was originally published in May 2004

May 3 through May 28

As we go into elections for three new seats on the PCC Board of Trustees, take time to read carefully the candidate statements in the election supplement inserted in this Sound Consumer (and on the Web here). Candidates and members are encouraged to attend the annual meeting on Sunday, May 2 to get acquainted. Candidates also will be campaigning in the stores. You may find more campaign information from displays in the stores.

Historically, only about five percent of the PCC membership casts ballots for board elections. Your vote, however, is crucial to sustaining support for the principles and values you consider important. Your vote is crucial to sustaining the health of the co-op as a whole.

Your vote also honors the dedication of the nominating committee that volunteered a lot of time to recruit and screen applicants for the board positions. This year’s nominating committee included Stewart Rose, Mark Huppert, Reed Schilbach, Jennifer Gordon, Lori Babcock and Carmelita Logerwell.

If the information provided in the candidate statements doesn’t answer your questions and concerns, contact the board administrator Janice Parker at or by calling 206-547-1222 x126.

Voting begins May 3 and concludes on May 28. Democratic control is one of the seven common principles upon which PCC, like other cooperatives, is based. Members elect trustees who set goals and policy for the collectively owned business. Voting is one of the most important contributions members can make to support cooperative principles.

PCC Board activities

The board met on March 30. They heard a presentation on the co-op’s annual financial audit from a representative of PCC’s accounting firm. The audit showed that 2003 was another very good year for PCC, that the financial health of the co-op is sound, and that the co-op continues to have a positive impact on the local economy.

The agendas for the April 17-18 long-term planning retreat and the May 2 annual meeting were approved. Look for reports on the annual meeting and board retreat in the June Sound Consumer.

The board’s policies mandate that a survey of the membership be conducted at least once every three years. The Linkage Task Force will be meeting soon with a research firm to begin that process.

The next scheduled board meeting is Tuesday, May 25 at the co-op business office. The meeting begins at 5 p.m. with time set aside at 7 p.m. for member comments. Please contact Janice Parker at 206-547-1222 if you plan to attend or have any questions.

Kathy Barry

Board member Kathy Barry talks with a member at the Issaquah PCC.

Talk to the Board

Saturday, May 22, 2 to 4 p.m.
Fremont PCC

The last “Talk to the Board” event of this board term will be held in May. Members and patrons at all of our stores have had an opportunity to meet informally with board members since last October. These regular opportunities to meet and talk with members will be continued after the election of the new board.

What makes PCC special and meaningful to you?

Last month, PCC members were asked to give the board some member perspective as it began work on the agenda for its long-term planning retreat in April. “What makes PCC special and meaningful to you?” Longtime member Ed Waldock shared the following thoughts.

Ed: “Well … that’s a big question. I’ll try to keep it to two aspects:

  1. PCC provides a refuge for those of us who cannot eat most of the food in a modern supermarket. We rely on PCC to provide us organic groceries that are nearly prescribed “medicines.” We can trust the product and store labels to be clear and accurate.
  2. I think the sense of community that PCC engenders is one of its greatest strengths. It is comforting to know that going to a PCC store is an opportunity to step into a world of like-minded folks, that the functions of the co-op are ongoing and sustainable, and that it’s a refuge from a wider world that only wants your dollars. I found a place to belong.”

Board Chair Chantal Stevens says, “We appreciated the input of the members who took the time to respond. Their ideas go with us as we prepare to examine what the future should look like for PCC.” The board invites the membership to continue to share their thoughts about this and other “big picture” ideas via email and in person at in-store events like Talk to the Board, Healthy Living Fairs and during election campaigning.

Also in this issue

Letters to the editor, May 2004

Farm policy education, Corporate disclosure on GE crops, Notes to the curmudgeon in the cellar, and more