PCC Farmland Trust

by Summer Howe, PCC Farmland Trust Administrative and Development Officer

This article was originally published in January 2006

January 2006

PCC Farmland Trust growing in the New Year

The PCC Farmland Trust is looking forward to another great year in 2006. We’d like to thank our generous donors who made last year such a success, paving the way for a promising future. You helped build a stronger organization and, most important, helped save Washington’s organic farmland.

Here are some of the 2005 highlights that the Farmland Trust can build on during the coming year:

  • Our next farm is being actively researched.
  • Partnerships were formed with other environmental organizations.
  • A $10,000 endowment for land stewardship was established.
  • A strategic conservation plan was created.
  • The remaining $135,000 on the Bennington Place farm’s purchase loan is now paid off.
  • A part-time development assistant was hired.

In 2006, our primary goal is to continue supporting our local farmers and saving organic farmland in Washington.

Thanks to our 2005 corporate donors
Alaskan Brewing
Big Sky Brewing
Bridgeport Brewing
Choice Organic Teas
Clean Earth, Pureayre, Inc.
Fish Brewing Co.
Full Sail Brewing
Guinness Imports
High Falls Brewing
Merchant du Vin
Napa Wine Co.
New Belgium Brewing
Pyramid Breweries
Rogue Ales
Sierra Nevada Brewing
Talking Rain
Traditional Medicinals

Start the New Year by doubling your contribution

There’s a good chance that you can have your contribution to the PCC Farmland Trust matched by your employer. Many companies will match gifts even from retired employees and employees’ spouses. It’s easy.

  1. Ask your company’s personnel or human resources department for a copy of the matching gift form.
  2. Complete your portion of the form.
  3. Submit the completed form with your gift to the PCC Farmland Trust.
  4. We’ll do the rest.

For more information, contact the Trust at 206-547-9855, or at farmlandtrust@pccmarkets.com

Farm, family, community and habitat at the Bennington Place farm
Cows at the Bennington Place, one of the farms protected by the PCC Farmland Trust

The Huesby family at Bennington Place farm has been busy. Joel recently built a loading dock for 100 head of Hereford cattle. The calves from this new stock will be certified organic — some of the first certified organic cattle in southeastern Washington. Along with 160 rotation-grazed cattle already at Bennington Place, the new Herefords will eat hay grown on the farm, completing an ecological circle.

The Huesby’s also raised more than 3,200 chickens in 2005, which they processed and sold to farmers markets, local restaurants, and individuals over the Internet.

Improving the duck habitat at the Bennington Place farm is another feather in the Huesby cap. Creating a larger pond and culverts allow the Huesby’s to flood part of their fields, making Bennington Place farm some of the most prime duck habitat in the area.

Educational tours

If you have a class or group that would like to see firsthand how productive certified-organic pasture can be, Joel Huesby is glad to schedule a tour. Just call him at 509-526-0944, or email jchuesby@bmi.net

Also in this issue

Letters to the editor, January 2006

Thanks from the farmers; Tillamook cheese, butter, et al; Less toxic, non-toxic garden products; and more

Your co-op, January 2006

Board meeting report, Next board meeting, Application deadline closes, and more