Your co-op, July 2006

This article was originally published in July 2006

2006 election results

The ballots in the annual election were counted at a public meeting on May 31. Board Administrator Janice Parker announced these results:

Board of Trustees

Julie Tempest* 1,079
Stephen Tan* 1,040
Don DeSantis* 971
Janet Hietter 615
Steven Reisler 577
* The top three candidates are elected to three-year terms on PCC’s Board of Trustees.

Nominating Committee

Eva Childers 1,116
Paul Schmidt 1,148
Kim Norton 1,118
Deanna Theiss 1,103
All four candidates are elected to one-year terms on the 2006-07 PCC Nominating Committee

Board thanks

Board chair Bob Cross thanked members and candidates for their participation in the annual election. “Our vote total this year was a bit behind recent years. We’ll work to educate our newer members about the importance of the election to our governance structure, and encourage all members to vote.”

Talk to the board

Saturday, July 8, 12 to 2 p.m.
Greenlake PCC

The first store visit of the 2006-2007 board comes early this month. “This time in the stores has become a staple in our linkage efforts,” says Linkage Task Force Chair Julie Tempest. “We get to talk with members in an informal setting about their ideas or concerns. We’ve had some really interesting conversations that we’ve taken back to our board meetings for further discussion.”

Board meeting report

The board met on May 31. The agenda included an annual meeting review, a report from the Finance Task Force on our quarterly financial results, and several board and management policy reviews. The board also discussed new ideas for orientation for new board members.

Management reported on the performance of the new Redmond store and reported on the planning of the new Seward Park store.

The next board meeting is scheduled for July 25 at 5 p.m. at the co-op office. Member comment period will be at 6 p.m.

Also in this issue

News bites, July 2006

Heirloom wheat at WSU, First organic major approved, ID chips in farm animals, and more

Letters to the editor, July 2006

Horizon vs. Organic Valley, Pasteurized vs. ultra-pasteurized, Plastic lining in cans, and more

Quorum required for board or bylaws election is 3 percent of active membership. Bylaws amendment must be approved by two-thirds vote.

Total valid ballots cast: 1,588
(4.332 percent of 36,653 active members)