Your co-op, January 2008

This article was originally published in January 2008

Board meeting report for November 27, 2007

The November 27 board meeting agenda included review of the 2008 operating budget and business plan, discussion of board meeting format, a decision on the 2008 annual meeting and election dates, and evaluation of the fall member meeting. (See a full report on the member meeting and a slide show on the member meetings Web page.)

The meeting also featured a presentation from the Laurel Rubin Farm Worker Justice Project. The project provides legal assistance and advocacy for farm workers in Washington state, particularly in efforts to gain fair, dignified and safe working and living conditions.

The board discussed changing the format for its meetings to make time for strategic discussions at the beginning of each meeting instead of at the end of the meetings. These strategic discussions necessarily are held in private executive sessions, so the public session — including the member comment period — now will begin at 7 p.m. instead of at 5 p.m.

Buzz Hofford

Board member Buzz Hofford jumped in and helped the Seward Park staff bag groceries during the Thanksgiving rush!

Next board meeting

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be January 29, 2008, at the co-op office. The public session begins with member comment period at 7 p.m.

Talk to the board

  • Saturday, January 19, 12 to 2 p.m.
    PCC Greenlake
  • Saturday, February 23, 12 to 2 p.m.
    PCC West Seattle

Each month a board member visits one of our stores as part of the board’s efforts to connect with members. These monthly visits give the board, members and staff a chance to chat informally.

Nominating committee announces 2008 board candidates

Dennis Wadja, Chantal Stevens, Kelly Horton and Alexander Rist

PCC was one of the major sponsors for the recent Washington Toxics Coalition auction and dinner.

Several of our members, management team, board members and volunteers were there to support the effort.

Shown seated here are (l-r) Dennis Wadja and board member Chantal Stevens and (standing l-r) board members Kelly Horton and Alexander Rist.

The following PCC members will vie for three open seats on the board in the spring 2008 election:

  • Carol Binder, executive director, Pike Place Market
  • Buzz Hofford, general manager, Seattle University dining program
  • Julianne Lamsek, manager, technology director, KCTS-TV
  • Amy Pennington, owner, Go Green Garden

Look for more information about the candidates in the April Sound Consumer and on our election Web page (including video interviews) after March 26.

“The board thanks all the board applicants for their willingness to participate in this process,” notes board chair Julie Tempest. “We also are very grateful to the nominating committee for their work this year.” The committee members are Deanna Theiss (chair), Kim Norton, Paul Schmidt, Mary Simon and Stephen Tan.

Also in this issue

What’s the difference between pasteurized cheese and raw milk cheese?

Discover the difference between pasteurized cheese and raw milk cheese. Learn how milk is processed during cheese making and what that means for you.

Letters to the editor, January 2008

No more high fructose corn syrup, Heirloom vs. Heritage turkeys, Avoiding GM sugar, and more