Your co-op, August 2008

This article was originally published in August 2008

Board welcomes two new trustees


(l-r) Newly elected trustees Carol Binder and Julianne Lamsek visit with a View Ridge shopper during this year’s campaigning.

Carol Binder is chief executive officer of the Pike Place Market and a CPA. She says she’s excited about bringing her 30 years of financial and organizational management experience to the board and “contributing to a value-driven business” such as PCC.

Julianne Lamsek is director of technology at KCTS-TV. A lifelong Seattle resident, she’s a recent MBA graduate from the University of Washington. As a long-time PCC member, Lamsek brings a passion for our mission and experience in a collaborative board setting.

Board report for June 24

The 2007-2008 trustees met for their final session on June 24. The committee and task force chairs presented progress reports. Bob Cross and Linnea Noreen ended their board terms. Cross completed nine years on the board and was twice chosen to serve as board chair. Noreen served a three-year term. Each was presented a gift on behalf of the membership to thank them for their service.

The 2008-2009 board was officially seated with newly elected trustees Carol Binder and Julianne Lamsek joining the board (see “Board welcomes new trustees” this page). Stephen Tan was elected to serve as chair. Tan is in his third year of board service. A partner at Cascadia Law Group, a Seattle-based firm practicing environmental and natural resources law, Tan specializes in environmental litigation.

The board members elected one of their fellow trustees, Kelly Horton, to serve on the 2008-2009 nominating committee. Horton will join the committee that was elected by the membership in the 2008 election — Diana Crane, Janet Hietter, Don Nordness and Mary Simon.

The board continued preparations for its strategic planning retreat on August 16.

Nominating committee begins search for candidates

Over the next three months, the nominating committee will recruit and screen qualified candidates for the next board election in spring 2009.

Three positions are open for election each year and each trustee serves a three-year term. Trustees receive an annual stipend.

Should you have any questions about the trustee position or wish to receive an application packet, call Janice Parker at 206-547-1222 or email
Applications will be accepted until early November.

Next board meeting

The next scheduled board meeting is Tuesday, September 30 at 5 p.m. at the co-op office. Member comments will be heard at 7 p.m.

Talk to the Board

Board members look forward to meeting you at the grand opening of our new Edmonds store Wednesday, September 3, to Sunday, September 7, from noon to 2 p.m.

Also in this issue

News bites, August 2008

Organic shoppers more open-minded, Kellogg boycott, American nurses oppose rBGH, and more


Maybe you’ve been struggling to lose weight and just can’t seem to get those pounds off — or keep them off. You lose a few pounds only to gain them back, plus a few more. Or maybe you’re feeling sluggish, constantly fatigued. Take courage. All these symptoms could be signals that something is amiss, reminders that your body needs help.

Insights by Goldie: The (sugar) beet goes on: GM sugar coming to market

For the first time ever, GM sugar beets were planted this past spring in Washington, Oregon and the Midwest. Soon they’ll be harvested, processed and refined, and the sugar will reach out and grab you by this winter. All unlabeled, of course, masked like a criminal.