Year-end donations for safer food

This article was originally published in December 2011


We’re often asked what organizations PCC relies upon as sources for research on food and agriculture — from genetic engineering and sustainable seafood to the advantages of organics. Most are nonprofit organizations and many of them operate on shoestring budgets.

We want to call attention to their good work and encourage considering them for holiday giving. Each and every one of these nonprofits are deserving and would be grateful for year-end donations. Without them, the future of food would be much more discouraging. They certainly help make it possible for us to enjoy the wholesome, delicious food we’re privileged to enjoy from PCC.

  • Center for Food Safety (
    A vital partner that is defending organics against Monsanto and other biotech behemoths in court challenges.
  • The Cornucopia Institute (
    Organic watchdogs providing original research and advocacy for organic integrity and the sustainability of organic family farms.
  • Organic Seed Alliance (
    The driving force behind the “Seed Matters” campaign to restore community seed systems. Works with organic farmers to develop and steward organic seeds.
  • Non-GMO Project (
    The first independent, third-party certifier for Best Practices and testing throughout the supply chain to ensure non-GMO claims.
  • Washington Toxics Coalition (
    Locally based experts on BPA, lead in shopping bags, pesticides that threaten wild salmon, and other toxins in the marketplace.
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch program (
    Encourages sustainable seafood choices with science-based standards, which PCC adopted in 2004. Providers of the Seafood Watch pocket guide.
  • Farm Worker Pesticide Project (
    Provides financial, scientific, legal and educational resources to farm workers on pesticide issues and other matters of social justice.
  • PCC Farmland Trust (
    Works to preserve threatened farmland in the Northwest, ensuring organic farming in perpetuity. An independent nonprofit separate from PCC Natural Markets.

Also in this issue

Easing stress through diet

Optimal nutrition can lessen the ravages of stress by reducing the chemical impact, repairing its damage, and preparing the body for future stress.

PCC shoppers' opinions about "nutrient additives"

A survey in the August Sound Consumer asked questions about what you, as a PCC shopper, know and believe about "nutrient additives" in organic foods. Your strong response was, in itself, significant — 1,432 of you completed it.

News bites, December 2011

Egg production standards, Outdoor access for organic poultry, Prison organic farm, and more