GMO labeling updates

This article was originally published in February 2013

shopper reading labels

At press time, Washington’s U.S. Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell had just announced they’re sponsoring federal legislation to label genetically engineered (GE) salmon and other GE foods.

Their announcement followed the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recommendation to approve genetically engineered salmon for sale in grocery stores, without labeling. FDA is recommending approval of the GE salmon engineered with eel genes as a “new animal drug.” That means it was subjected to less rigorous safety standards than food additives.

Meanwhile, Washington’s I-522 is expected to be heard by state House and Senate committee members sometime this month or next. The legislature may adopt it as law, or amend it, but is expected to refer I-522 directly to the ballot for a vote by the people.

If you want to be notified when the hearings in Olympia will be, or help with the I-522 campaign as the year goes along, sign up for PCC Advocates and you’ll get pertinent advisories.

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Once in a while there’s breaking news about something in the world of food and agriculture that compels us consumers to take action right away to stand up for safe, sustainable food. Sometimes the monthly Sound Consumer can’t get you the information quickly enough.

That’s why we have PCC Advocates, PCC’s email newsletter that keeps you informed about food and agriculture controversies as they happen.

Over the past four years, as events warrant, we’ve sent alerts on issues ranging from genetic engineering and organic standards to food safety. We recently sent one about the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recommendation to approve genetically engineered salmon. (There’s still time to comment to FDA! Learn more about this transgenic fish and what you can do »)

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PCC shoppers are a conscientious bunch. We care about food and its impact on the environment. When we worry, it's about the pesticides used to grow apples, or whether hormones or antibiotics were used. We're concerned about how food is produced, and don't often give much thought to what happens once it is.