PCC Board of Trustees report, June 2014

This article was originally published in June 2014

Board meeting

annual meeting

Clockwise from top: 1. This was part of the group of PCC staff who provided stellar service to our members at the annual meeting dinner. Our chefs prepared a delicious meal with several menu items that have been offered in our delis for many years. 2. (l-r) PCC Chefs Daniel Newell, Steve Hall, Susan Chung, Birgitte Antonsen, Thien Ven, Blake Caldwell, Alex George and Brian Fink. Not pictured is Noah Maikisch. 3. (l-r) Board chair Maggie Lucas, CFO Randy Lee and Mari Hooten Lee. 4. Board member and table captain John Sheller serving dessert to his tablemates.

There was no board meeting in April. We’ll report on the May 27 board meeting and the 2014 election results in the July Sound Consumer. The next board meeting is June 24 at the co-op office at 5 p.m. Member comment period is at 7 p.m.

Member meeting

The members met on April 29 at St. Demetrios Hall. The board and management reported on the co-op’s stellar results from 2013. The texts of their remarks are now posted on our website on the annual meeting page. We’ll print excerpts from both reports in the July Sound Consumer.

The board candidates also were introduced to the membership and each gave brief remarks. Voting in this year’s election began that evening and ended on May 15. Results of the elections are now posted on the election page on our website and in all stores.

The education portion of our meeting was devoted to a celebration of PCC’s first 60 years. Director of sustainability Diana Chapman presented a preview of the historical document she is working on and the members were very excited about the look back. The work on the archival document continues. See “We want your story” (below) to participate.

We want your story

Several stories about our co-op’s colorful past were shared at the 2014 annual membership meeting but they barely scratched the surface — because they didn’t include yours.

You are invited to share a special memory or experience of your own history as a PCC member, together with any photographs or PCC memorabilia that may still be in your possession. Here’s how:

Submit in writing or by email by August 15:

  • First and last name
  • Email address
  • Daytime telephone number
  • PCC member since
  • Memory or experience (250 words or less)
  • Description of photo(s) or memorabilia

Email to: diana.chapman@pccmarkets.com
(Please include “PCC History” in subject line)

Postal mail to:
Diana Chapman
PCC Natural Markets
4201 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Thank you! Together we’ll make certain the PCC story never is forgotten. Look for future notices about how we’ll share everyone’s input after it has been compiled and preserved.

Also in this issue

Surprising facts about sunscreen

Do you depend on sunscreen for skin protection? A good sunscreen can play role in preventing sunburns that are a major risk factor for melanoma – provided you use it correctly.

Celebrating 10 Stores

PCC Natural Markets is delighted to announce our 10th store will open in the Greenlake neighborhood of Seattle on June 4 at 9 a.m.

GE labeling victory

The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), a Wash., D.C. lobbying group, says it will sue the state of Vermont in federal court to overturn the nation’s first law to label genetically engineered (GE) foods.