Organic food superior

This article was originally published in August 2014

A major study published in the prestigious British Journal of Nutrition claims conclusive evidence that organic crops &#8212 and foods &#8212 are nutritionally superior to conventional crops and foods.

An international team led by Newcastle University analyzed 343 studies, the largest research effort of its kind. It found organic crops and foods have up to 60 percent more key antioxidants than conventionally grown crops.

Pesticide residues are much lower in organic crops and organics contain significantly lower levels of cadmium, a toxic heavy metal. Researchers say the study corrects shortcomings of earlier studies.

Also in this issue

Versatile, flavorful vinegars

Vinegar has been used for centuries as folk medicine and to preserve and flavor foods. Its unmistakable tang can embolden and draw flavor from many foods, and it’s a great way to add flavor without fat and with just a few calories.

The unexpected consequences of antibiotics

The damage antibiotics could do to our microbiome — the trillions of microbes living in our gut — is just being discovered. Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, asthma and obesity are just a few of the increasing chronic health problems linked to antibiotics.

Letters to the editor, August 2014

Global warming and agriculture, Healthy sunscreen, Sugar in recipes, and more