Supporting non-GMO choices

This article was originally published in November 2014

When PCC first began working with the Non-GMO Project in its formative days a decade ago, it was a leap of passion with purpose. Today, more than 2,200 brands making more than 20,000 products are verified by the Project and staff still receives 70 to 80 new inquiries each week.

To honor PCC customer support for non-GMO food choices, PCC is pleased to contribute $5,000 to the Project this year, to support Best Practices and testing throughout the supply chain.

Also in this issue

Grass-fed goodness

Animals grazing on their natural diet of grass produce foods that are high in both nutrition and flavor. Try PCC’s grass-fed meats, dairy and eggs and protein powders.

Carrageenan moratorium

PCC has implemented a moratorium on bringing in new organic foods containing the controversial ingredient, carrageenan.

PCC Board of Trustees report, November 2014

Next board meeting, Nominating committee, Ends reporting, and more