News bites, January 2015

This article was originally published in January 2015

Also in this issue

Beneficial bone broth

Bone broth is incredibly nutritious, having a high concentration of minerals and amino acids aiding in a multitude of ailments, including boosting immunity. Follow easy instructions to make your own, or buy pre-made broth at PCC.

Bringing back native shellfish

The Olympia oyster, our only native coastal oyster, is being brought back from the brink. If you’re a fan of the tiny ostrea lurida, you may well have a local conservation group to thank for the fact that the intensely flavorful bivalve still is around.

Saving the bees from pesticides linked to Colony Collapse

A growing body of research points to a class of pesticides called neonicotinoids as the main culprit causing CCD. Some cities and nations are banning neonics and garden retailers across the country are feeling pressure not to sell them.