PCC Board of Trustees report, August 2015

This article was originally published in August 2015

June board meeting report

Carol Binder, Stephen Tan and Randy Lee

Trustee Carol Binder and CFO Randy Lee congratulate Stephen Tan (center) for his nine years on the board.

The 2014-2015 board met for the last time on June 30. The board received year-end reports from each of its standing committees — board development, CEO evaluation, finance, and member relations. Each committee chair reviewed the past year’s work plans noting completed tasks and recommendations for next year’s committees. The board thanked Stephen Tan for his service. Tan is leaving the board after nine years.

Jennifer Beus, Chantal Stevens and Celeste Coxen

The board hosted a reception to welcome newly elected trustee Michael Hutchings. Among those attending were (l-r) Fremont Store Director Jennifer Beus, former trustee and board chair Chantal Stevens and Issaquah Store Director Celeste Coxen.

The 2015-2016 board, including newly re-elected trustees Maggie Lucas and Sandy Voit, was officially seated. Lucas and Voit were elected to their second and third terms, respectively. The board elected Julianne Lamsek to serve as chair. Carol Binder was elected to represent the board on the 2015-2016 nominating committee. She joins Leanne Skooglund Hofford and Sara Walsh, who were elected by the membership in the 2015 election.

Julianne Lamsek and Maggie Lucas

(l-r) Incoming board chair Julianne Lamsek and outgoing chair Maggie Lucas.

We will report on the July board meeting in the September Sound Consumer. The next board meeting is September 29 at 5 p.m. at the co-op’s business office with member comment period at 6 p.m.

The board was excited to celebrate with you the opening of our new Columbia City store and we are thrilled to share the news of our 11th store in the Bothell/Canyon Park area. Look for events throughout the year where we’ll invite you to join us in learning and sharing sessions. We’d love the opportunity to thank you for your continuing support.

2015 CCMA

Five PCC trustees, Carol Binder, Julianne Lamsek, Karen May, Sandy Voit and Bruce Williams attended the annual Consumer Cooperative Management Association (CCMA) conference held in Boise, Idaho in mid-June. Also attending were staff members Cate Hardy, Tom Monahan, Janice Parker and Elizabeth Pontefract. CCMA attendees are primarily managers, staff and board members of food co-ops, with electric co-ops, hardware co-ops and credit unions also represented. There were more than 300 attendees.

This was the first CCMA planned and executed by the National Cooperative Business Association. There were two full days of workshops on ensuring food access, diversity, developing leaders, strategic thinking, growth/expansion and governance. There also was a day of educational tours. We saw the construction site of the new Boise Co-op scheduled to open in November. Boise was the host co-op and it’s celebrating its second store. We also visited the Huston Vineyards, a great example of the small but strong Idaho wine country.

Ends Policies

At least once each year, we share our Ends Policies and seek input from the membership. The board will meet in retreat in early August for some strategic planning, so it would be timely to hear from members on our driving policies.Email board@pccmarkets.com.

Global Ends

PCC exists to create a cooperative, sustainable environment for our members and patrons where the natural and organic supply chains thrive.

Ends A: PCC members and patrons will have access to high quality, healthful food that is fairly priced.

Ends B: PCC membership is a respected and valued choice.

Ends C: PCC has a local focus.

Ends D: PCC members and patrons are well educated in matters of healthful foods, healthy sustainable living, and the cooperative business model.

Ends E: An inherent part of PCC’s business is the balance of economic, social and environmental responsibilities.

Board recruiting ongoing

The 2015-2016 nominating committee is encouraging PCC members to look into board service as a way to contribute to the co-op’s continued success. This Policy Governance® board leads through policy development and monitoring management’s progress. Learn more on our website.

The deadline for applications for the 2016 election is late November. Contact nominatingcommittee@pccmarkets.com with questions or to request an application.

Also in this issue

Student debt a barrier for beginning farmers

Young farmers with student loan debt are having a hard time making student loan payments, and some haven't pursued farming as a career because their salary as a farmer wouldn't be enough to cover their student loan payments. A bill introduced in Congress would categorize farming as public service and would forgive payment on student loans of public servants after 10 years in the field.

Producer spotlights

Read about Twin Springs Farm, Mark LaPierre Farms and Scott Leach Orchards — the local, organic farms that provide PCC with peaches, blueberries, cherries, nectarines and plums all summer.

Letters to the editor, August 2015

PCC's support for organics, Online delivery, Excessive packaging, and more