PCC Board of Trustees report, September 2015

This article was originally published in September 2015

Board meeting report

The board met on July 28, the first full meeting of the 2015-2016 board year.

The trustees reviewed the co-op’s second quarter financials and approved an updated application for the nominating committee.

PCC Farmland Trust Executive Director Rebecca Sadinsky updated the board on trust activity over the past year, including acquisitions, governance news (Ends policy modification, changes in board roster) and expansion of the Communications and Community Engagement programs.

Noting the continued importance of PCC’s member contributions to the trust’s annual funding, Sadinsky made an official request to the board for permission to access PCC’s membership list. She noted that all PCC member data, including members’ questions and donations, are handled with care, discretion and speed.

The board approved the request. The trust letter will go out later this year.

The board reviewed the trustees’ roles as fiduciaries. The session was led by Stephen Tan, managing partner of Cascadia Law, PLLC. He covered the trustees’ duties (care, loyalty, disclosure and good faith), rights and protections.

The board approved committee rosters for its four standing committees and reauthorized the bylaws task force for 2015-2016:

  • Board development: Bruce Williams (chair), Carol Binder, Michael Hutchings, Maggie Lucas
  • CEO evaluation: Julianne Lamsek (chair), Maggie Lucas, John Sheller, Bruce Williams
  • Finance: Sandy Voit (chair), Carol Binder, Taso Lagos, Karen May
  • Member relations: Karen May (chair), John Sheller, Michael Hutchings
  • Bylaws task force: Maggie Lucas (chair), Michael Hutchings, Sandy Voit, Randy Lee (VP of Finance)
Deputy Mayor Kate Joncas and PCC CEO Cate Hardy

(l-r) Deputy Mayor Kate Joncas and CEO Cate Hardy at the Columbia City PCC grand opening. Joncas showed off her PCC bonafides by proudly displaying her PCC member card, circa 1970s.

The board was excited to hear about the community response to the Columbia City PCC, which opened on July 24 (see page 12). Deputy Mayor Kathy Joncas participated in the grand-opening festivities and welcomed PCC on behalf of the Mayor.

We’ll report on the September 29 board meeting in the November issue.

The next board meeting is scheduled for November 24 at 5 p.m. Member comments at 6 p.m. with a three-minute limit, unless the chair approves a longer presentation. Please email board@pccmarkets.com if you are planning to attend. This helps us in agenda planning.

Bylaws review

A complete review of our bylaws is underway. The board will report on this work on this page in the next few issues of the Sound Consumer and on the board page on our website.

Message from nominating committee

Would you like to contribute to the continued success of the largest consumer-owned grocer in the United States? Are you a critical thinker? Are you able to work in a collaborative environment?

Then, we’re looking for you!

We’re looking for qualified applicants for board service. Previous board experience is helpful. Board members serve a three-year term and receive an annual stipend. Board election to be held in May 2016. Email us at nominatingcommittee@pccmarkets.com with questions or to request an application.

New committee member

At its July 28th meeting, the board selected Jason Filippini to replace Karen Gaudette Brewer on the 2015-2016 nominating committee. Brewer’s family moved from the Seattle area.

Filippini is a CPA and is the senior director of finance at The Seattle Times. He has served on a number of boards over the past 10 years in leadership capacities including board chair and finance committee chair. Filippini joins Leanne Skooglund Hofford, Mary Simon, Sara Walsh and Carol Binder on the committee.

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