Proposed PCC bylaws

This article was originally published in March 2016

The act of voting is one of the most important contributions any member can make to our co-op. Decisions that will impact PCC for years to come will be determined in this year’s elections.

A new nominating committee will be elected. Three open seats on our board of trustees will be filled.

And PCC members also will have the opportunity to adopt a new set of bylaws — the rules that govern operation of our cooperative — for the first time since 2008.

Starting on April 13, active PCC members will be able to participate in PCC’s 2016 elections. Voter’s Guides, with all the information you’ll need to be an informed voter, and ballots will be on hand in all stores. Or, look inside the May Sound Consumer mailed to your home starting in mid-April for an election ballot and Voter’s Guide. The PCC website will have the same information plus video statements from the board candidates.

If you’re unsure of your member status don’t hesitate to contact us at 206-547-1222 or (see “Am I ready to vote?”).

PCC’s current bylaws require that the votes of 3 percent of active members must be cast to validate a vote on revised bylaws and the election of trustees and nominating committee members. This means that the vote of any one member will not count unless the valid votes of at least 1,710 members are cast. PCC has more than 57,000 active members, so reaching this minimum should be easy, right?

Unfortunately, no. Last year only 2,152 PCC members voted. Some non-voters may believe their vote is unnecessary when PCC is doing well, while others might feel they aren’t familiar enough with the candidates or the ballot measures to cast a vote.

The best way to make certain PCC will continue to thrive — serving members and the community — is to exercise your right and responsibility to vote. Thank you in advance for voting in this important election!

Randy Lee, Chief Financial Officer, Bylaws Task Force member and PCC member for 45 years

A note about upcoming elections

Fellow Members:

Each year we members are asked to support PCC by voting for new trustees to serve on our board. This year we have the additional responsibility of considering new bylaws, which serve as the operating manual for our co-op. The proposed bylaws are the result of months of study and discussion undertaken by a board task force where I was privileged to serve as a staff member. Our committee gave each provision the consideration and due diligence our members expect and our co-op deserves. The task force — and the entire board — are confident that the bylaws you are being asked to approve would serve PCC well in preparing our co-op for the future.

Please contribute to PCC’s ongoing success by exercising your right and responsibility to vote in the upcoming elections. Thank you.

— Randy Lee, Chief Financial Officer, Bylaws Task Force member and PCC member for 45 years

Also in this issue

Paperless member discount

Based on popular demand, starting this month, PCC members will not need to bring a paper coupon to stores to receive the monthly 10-percent member discount. Simply show your member card — or tell the cashier the phone number associated with your membership — then ask to apply your 10-percent discount.

Letters to the editor, March 2016

Olive oil fraud?, Ag-gag laws, Sustainable palm oil?, and more

In season

Local rhubarb, Pixie tangerines, Bartlett, Red Bartlett and D'Anjou pears, baby turnips, Russian kale, kale raab and spring onions are the stars in our produce department this month.