PCC Board of Trustees report, July 2016

This article was originally published in July 2016

Election report

The ballots were counted at the 2016 annual business meeting on Thursday, May 26 at the PCC business office (results below). Total valid ballots cast this year were 2,756 (4.9 percent of 56,312 active members). Quorum required for board election is 3 percent of active membership. Bylaws approval requires two-thirds YES votes.

Election results

Board of Trustees
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* Each of the top three candidates is elected to a three-year term on the Board of Trustees.
Elin Smith* 2,178* votes
Alice Cho Snyder* 1,847* votes
Tania DePue* 1,631* votes
Paul Reed 1,573 votes

2016-2017 Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee
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All four candidates are elected to one-year terms on the 2016-2017 Nominating Committee.
Sara Walsh 2,285 votes
Janet Hietter 2,055 votes
Mary Simon 2,044 votes
Jason Filippini 2,010 votes

Bylaws Proposal is APPROVED

Bylaws Proposal
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Proposal is APPROVED
Yes Votes 2,531
No Votes 127

“The board is very grateful for the overwhelming support the members have given our new bylaws,” said Bylaws Task Force chair Maggie Lucas. “Your participation in this important governance matter will help our co-op grow and succeed far into the future.”

“As a member of the Nominating Committee and a prior trustee, I was delighted with the participation of our members in this election,” added Mary Simon, chair of the 2015-2016 Nominating Committee. “It’s exciting to see PCC move forward with the backing of a strong membership. Thanks for your votes and continued support.”

Board meeting report

Collection of photos of board members, PCC staff and nominating committee members.

Left: (seated l-r) 2016-2017 board members Tania DePue, Alice Cho Snyder, Julianne Lamsek, Bruce Williams. (standing l-r) Carol Binder, Elin Smith, Sandy Voit, Maggie Lucas, Michael Hutchings. Center: Departing trustee John Sheller with his gift from the board – a handcrafted salad bowl from a local artisan. Top-right: Standing far right is CEO Cate Hardy with store directors (l-r) Raymond Glandon, Celeste Coxen, John Lilley, Tami Littlefield, Scott McCormick. Seated (l-r) Nathan Rundle, Jennifer Beus, Steve Mitchell. Bottom-right: Members of the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 Nominating Committee: (l-r) Mary Simon, Leanne Skooglund, Janet Hietter, Sara Walsh, Jason Filippini.

The June 28 board meeting report will be published in the August Sound Consumer.

The 2015–2016 board met on May 31 for the final meeting of the board year. The board heard year-end reports from its Member Relations, CEO Evaluation, Board Development and Finance committees. Member Relations reported that the Discovery Day event was successful and that overall feedback from PCC members was positive. The Finance Committee shared that PCC had another period of strong results through the first quarter of fiscal year 2016.

The 2016–2017 board then officially was seated. 2013–2016 board members John Sheller, Karen May and Taso Lagos were thanked for their years of service to PCC.

Newly elected trustees Elin Smith, Alice Cho Snyder and Tania DePue joined the board. They each had messages for the members:

Thank you, members, for your vote! I am committed to being a voice for you and will work hard to uphold PCC values.
– Tania DePue

Thank you for your votes and the opportunity to serve PCC as a trustee. I look forward to representing all of you in the stewardship of our beloved organization.
– Elin Smith

I am honored that I will be representing you for the next three years. I would like to find new ways to stay in touch with you regarding your PCC experience and expectations.
– Alice Cho Snyder

Julianne Lamsek was selected to chair the board for the second consecutive year. Corporate officers Cate Hardy, President, and Randy Lee, Secretary/Treasurer, were elected. Sandy Voit was named as the board’s representative to the 2016–2017 nominating committee.

At the conclusion of the board meeting, the board hosted a reception to thank departing members and welcome the newly elected members of the board and nominating committee. The senior management teams from the stores and office were invited to attend.

The next board meeting will be July 26 at 4:30 p.m. at the Greenlake Village PCC classroom. Please email the board at board@pccmarkets.com if you plan to attend.

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