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This article was originally published in September 2017

PCC Community Fair Saturday, September 16 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at all PCC stores

The PCC community is core to who we are as a co-op. From our farmers and ranchers to our store staff and members, like you, the relationships we share are what connect us all.

On Saturday, September 16, we want to celebrate these connections and our co-op’s unique community. Open to all, the celebration will go from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at all PCC stores, from Bothell to View Ridge, Columbia City to Redmond.

Throughout the day, you’ll find food, entertainment and facts about PCC that you may not know, such as:

  • Everything from our soups, salads and deli items are all made from scratch in our in-store kitchens each day – right down to the chicken stock. You’ll have a chance to sample some of our favorites.
  • We offer more than 1,500 cooking classes a year through the PCC Cooks program. Our esteemed PCC Cooks instructors will host cooking demos in our store classrooms from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Our nutrition educators offer monthly, educational store tours with a focus on healthy living. During the PCC Community Fair, they’ll be on hand for nutrition tours at Fremont and Kirkland.
  • For years, our members and shoppers have reused their shopping bags helping raise funds for the PCC Food Bank Program and PCC Farmland Trust — a program and an organization that help define our communities.

The PCC Community Fair will also have live local entertainment — from dance teams to DJs — and photo booths, so you can capture the moment (and share it with friends).

At three stores — Bothell, Greenlake Aurora and View Ridge — we’ll unveil a special gift to the community. Our hope is that these installations will become neighborhood beacons for anyone who, like us, loves cooking from scratch.

Bring the kids, bring your friends, or just bring yourself to a fun and lively day at your local PCC!

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Good and clean

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