Welcome Burien PCC!

This article was originally published in June 2018

burien storefront construction

PCC opened its newest store in Burien on May 23, welcoming the first 112 people in line with gifts of fresh organic pineapple, a symbol of hospitality.

The Burien store extends our co-op presence further south and west, to the Five Corners Shopping Center at 15840 1st Ave. S. It’s the area’s first certified-organic grocer.

We’ll have more on the Burien store’s green building features in the July-August issue of Sound Consumer.

Also in this issue

Building community with food access

Most food bank recipients work one or two jobs — and there’s a growing need among students, children and seniors. This report explains how PCC’s food bank program is unique in meeting the challenge. Unlike other grocers, we donate food and time — and the food we provide offers proper nutrition, not empty calories.

Nutrition Picks – Northwest berries: Prolific protectors

The wide variety of antioxidants in berries makes them one of the most beneficial fruits to eat for cancer prevention. Northwest strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are in season. Try these tips to freeze berries!

News bites, June 2018

EU says hydroponics aren’t organic – farmers say pipelines are damaging soil health – fracking harms human health – GE salmon will be labeled – GE salmon in Indiana – fish welfare – more GE animals – tax cuts for Big Beer – the United Farm Workers Union celebrates a court victory – GE yeast “hops” for beer – sugar tax cuts sugar intake in Philadelphia – extreme drought causes a hay shortage for livestock.