Customer service stars

This article was originally published in January 2020

January customer service star

Regie Marlow, PCC customer service star

Regie Marlow

Courtesy clerk, Burien PCC

Regie delights our regulars and staff alike through her positivity, humor and presence up front. Not only has she excelled as a courtesy clerk, but she also has led our Des Moines food bank packaging parties this year and helped the store build community in our volunteer events in the neighborhood with FEEST and the Taste of Burien.


February customer service star

Steven Hensen, PCC customer service star

Steven Hensen

Front end clerk, Issaquah PCC

Steven is patient and friendly and an invaluable asset to the Issaquah store. In addition to his warm and welcoming demeanor, Steven helps out everywhere from the bulk department to the dairy cooler, going out of his way to make sure he’s completely taken care of each customer.

Also in this issue