Restricting antibiotics in livestock

July 1, 2009

PCC joined 354 health, agriculture, environment, animal protection, religious, and other interest groups to sign on in support of the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA, H.R. 1549/S. 619).

Related reading

USDA's proposed Pasture Rule for organic livestock

Letter to USDA re: new pasturing standards for organic livestock.

Ensuring "access to pasture" for organic cows

To Secretary Mike Johanns, USDA; re: supporting an appeal to the USDA Secretary to allow the NOSB to clarify "access to pasture" for dairy cows.

Preservation of Essential Antibiotics for Human Diseases Act

Thank you to Congressman Sherrod Brown, re: sponsorship of HR 3266, the Preservation of Essential Antibiotics for Human Diseases Act.