What's in store for January

This article was originally published in January 2012

A sampling of the thousands of all-natural items you’ll find at your neighborhood PCC. Also explore the newest products to grace our shelves.


In the meat department
Pasture-raised locally

Nearly a one-man operation, Mad Hatcher Farm in Ephrata, Wash., is the definition of a small, local producer. Bernie Nash pasture-raises chicken, quail and squab — sustainable poultry that has a farmers market-fresh quality to it. Nash also raises rabbit, which requires fewer resources. Rabbit meat is very lean, with a sweet flavor that resembles chicken. Mad Hatcher whole chickens are available in all PCC stores, while poussin, quail, squab and rabbit are in selected stores but always available through special order.


In health and body care
The sunshine vitamin

We all know Western Washington isn’t the sunniest place on earth nine months of the year. Yet sun exposure is a crucial source of vitamin D, which aids in the absorption of calcium. So a boost of vitamin D may be a wise choice during our wettest months.

Our own PCC Vitamins offer vitamin D in different strengths so you can get the amount best suited for your needs. Carlson Ddrops are natural, liquid vitamin D3 that you simply drop onto your food or tongue. Or try Carlson’s Solar D Gems, soft gels formulated in two strengths that also provide 115 milligrams of omega-3s. For children, check out citrus-flavored Vitamin D Sunny Gummies from
Rainbow Light.

In the produce department
Glorious winter greens


Spectacular sources of vitamins A, C and K, kale imparts nutrition, color and hearty flavor during the coldest of seasons. While available year-round, it’s at its best from the middle of winter through early spring, when a light frost can actually produce sweeter leaves. You’ll find red and green curly kale at PCC, which has a lively, intense flavor with notes of pepper. Lacinato kale, also known as dinosaur kale, has dark blue-green leaves and a slightly sweeter, more delicate taste.

Kale is used aplenty in the PCC Deli during wintertime. Look for our Hearty Greens Caesar Salad, Winter Farro Salad, Roasted Yams and Kale, and our ever-popular Emerald City Salad.

More recipes to try:

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