Yogurts for every taste

This article was originally published in August 2012

Summer calls for light, cool breakfasts and snacks — and yogurt is just right. It has a creamy, tangy flavor that feels indulgent, but it’s as healthy as it gets, chock-full of protein, calcium and probiotics good for digestion. We carry yogurts made from cow’s milk, sheep’s milk, goat’s milk, coconut milk, almond milk and soy milk, in a dizzying array of flavors. Here are some delicious brands to try.


If you like Greek …

The popularity of Greek yogurt has skyrocketed in recent years — people love its creaminess. Greek-style means the yogurt has been strained to remove moisture, so it’s thick and very high in protein. We have many brands at PCC, including these two new ones:

Nancy’s — A family-owned company in Oregon, Springfield Creamery has been making Nancy’s yogurt for more than 40 years. The milk comes from small-scale dairy co-op members, most within 50 miles of the creamery. It has a very high probiotic and culture count that gives it a distinctive tart and tangy flavor. Nancy’s Greek yogurts come with stir-in cups of organic agave-sweetened fruit or honey.

Wallaby Organic — Made with milk from pasture-raised cows from California organic farms, Wallaby yogurts have a smooth texture and mild taste resulting from a slow, gentle culturing process. The low-fat Greek yogurt comes plain or with stir-in honey or fruit.


If you want local …

Try yogurt from Grace Harbor Farms. Tim and Grace Lukens make rich whole-milk, cream-top yogurt from Guernsey cows in Custer, Wash. The cows graze and enjoy a GMO-free diet. Guernsey milk has a golden color as a result of high beta-carotene content. The yogurt is thick, practically Greek-style, and very creamy.


If you avoid cow’s milk …

These three yogurts are made without cow’s milk but still have healthy active cultures.

So Delicious coconut yogurt — Soy-free, dairy-free and made with coconut milk. Comes in a variety of flavors, in both regular and Greek-style.

Amande cultured almond milk yogurt — Soy-free, dairy-free, and fruit juice-sweetened. Flavorful with a nice, light texture.

Redwood Hill Farm goat milk yogurt — Many people who are lactose intolerant can eat goat-milk yogurt. This brand is made with whole goat milk and has a velvety, smooth texture with a slight cream layer on top. It has a classic flavor that doesn’t taste “goaty.”

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