Snacking al fresco

This article was originally published in August 2015

Whether you’re looking for an easy appetizer array as part of a larger meal, or simply trying to eat well without actually cooking during the hottest month of the year, our ready-to-go antipasto choices offer entertainingly contrasting flavors and textures.

snacking al fresco

Italian platter

Grab a packet of crunchy breadsticks, toss tiny mozzarella balls with some fresh-tasting Genovese-style pesto and serve alongside deliciously creamy Gigande beans, dressed in a tangy vinaigrette. You’ll need nothing more than thick, lightly salted slices of the season’s tomatoes to finish the perfect vegetarian platter.

French platter

Start with fantastic Portland-based Olympia Provisions pork spreads, either the hand-chopped rillettes or the country-style pâté with pistachios. Add the creamy sheep and goat’s milk cheese from Tieton Farm & Creamery known as Black Pearl, slice up a ficelle loaf of bread from Macrina and finish with a few cornichons — you’ve got a magnificent (and locally sourced) Parisian picnic.

Spanish platter

The chewy sweetness of organic dried Tena figs is a great counterpoint to crunchy Marcona almonds and the meatiness of thinly sliced cured Spanish chorizo. To round things off to perfection, grab a wedge of creamy Manchego cheese and some of the new spicy-sweet grilled olive and pepper mix in our olive bar (the grill marks are downright adorable).

Great ingredients make the difference

Olympia Provisions Pork Rillette and Pork Pistachio Pâté

Lovers of fine charcuterie will be delighted to find these products on our shelves; the Portland-based company has earned well-deserved national acclaim.

Macrina Sour White Ficelle

This small loaf is the perfect size for one hungry person, or for two to share as part of a spread. Its firm texture and thin, crisp crust — along with a less-sour flavor than its name implies — makes it the go-to bread for a wide variety of spreads.

Tieton Farm & Creamery Black Pearl

This cheese has a bloomy rind covered in grape leaf ash, which imparts an earthy flavor that’s wonderful with its dense, creamy texture. It’s made in Tieton, Wash., from a blend of sheep’s and goat’s milk.

Santini Pesto Genovese

A classic pesto with a pleasing punch of garlic, basil and pine nuts, this condiment brings vibrant summer flavors to
every bite.

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Tempeh may not be as widely known as tofu but it is without a doubt more nutritious, more digestible and in my opinion, more delicious. Unlike many other meat replacers, tempeh is made without any thickeners, fillers or isolated proteins — it is a whole food.