Community and features

This article was originally published in November 2015

Green Lake Gobble & Mashed Potato Munch Off

Sunday, November 22
5900 W. Greenlake Way N., Seattle

Taking place at Green Lake Park on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, the Gobble consists of 10K and 5K run/walks, the PCC-sponsored Tiny Turkey Trot (a free race for kids under 12), and a post-race celebration that includes the crowd-pleasing Mashed Potato Munch Off, a four-minute competitive eating contest. Adults 21 and over can enjoy a heated beer garden, too. The day supports Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission through a cash donation, along with a canned food drive. For more info and to register, visit


Seattle Children’s Kids Marathon

Saturday, November 28, 10 a.m.
Seattle Center, 5th Ave. N. & Harrison St.

The Seattle Children’s Kid’s Marathon is structured to allow children — kindergarten through eighth grade — to complete a full 26.2 mile marathon at a rate that is fun and safe for their growing bodies “one mile at a time.” It also encourages them to eat 20 healthy foods, read 13 books and perform 13 good deeds. Try out 20 of the 26 foods shown on the PCC-sponsored Eat-Right-O-Meter, check them off the list and bring it to the PCC TasteMobile at the Kid’s Marathon; the first 100 completed forms receive a $20 gift card. Register soon so the kids have time to complete their tasks before race day. To learn more and sign up visit:


Healthy Kids Cook

PCC Chef Jackie Freeman pulls together a healthy and delicious quesadilla dinner, incorporating apples and spinach into every kid’s favorite cheesy treat. Watch the video >>

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Thanksgiving in the PCC Deli

Have a very PCC Thanksgiving! Build an entire feast with ready-to-heat dishes made fresh with seasonal ingredients in the PCC Deli.